Trivia 089: An apple a day

Traveling around Washington State, you sometimes see big, imposing signs along the highway reading “ENTERING APPLE MAGGOT QUARANTINE AREA – DO NOT TRANSPORT HOMEGROWN TREE FRUIT BEYOND THIS POINT”. These signs demarcate the boundaries of the Apple Maggot Quarantine Area. This quarantine area was set up by the Washington State Department of Agriculture to help Read More …

Trivia 057: Raiding a restaurant

The Mongol hordes, ferocious warriors and conquerors of most of Asia and parts of Europe were stymied when they attempted to attack Japan. Although the island nation was greatly outnumbered, they managed to hold off two assaults thanks in part to the kamikaze, or “divine wind”. During both invasions, the Mongolian attacks were ruined when Read More …

Trivia 021: The Not-So-Secret Menu

Around the world, there is no restaurant more common than McDonald’s. They operate over 36,000 restaurants worldwide, spread across 118 countries (It would be 119, but they closed their restaurants in Russia earlier this year). In fact, in the US alone, there is one McDonald’s per 25,000 people. Honestly, I eat at McDonald’s too frequently, Read More …